通し番号02-057: Short Conversation (150 Words)
(Narrator): Listen to a conversation between two family members.
Alex: Hey, Josh, how is it going?
Josh: Pretty bad, Alex. I have no idea how to deal with the cold. Where I come from, the coldest it ever got was about 30 degrees. Now, It’s been about -10 degrees for the past 5 days. It’s unbearably cold. How do you deal with it?
Alex: Yeah, extreme cold is a pretty difficult problem. How many layers of clothing do you wear?
Josh: I’m not sure. Usually I wear around 5 or 6 layers.
Alex: 5 or 6? I think that might be too many.
Josh: Too many? But it’s so cold… if I wear more I should be warmer.
Alex: Yeah but, …show more content…
Paul: Hey, Kuni, do you want to go to the poetry slam tomorrow?
Kuni: Hey, Paul, what is a poetry slam?
Paul: It’s a competition where a bunch of people bring poems that they wrote, and read them out loud to an audience. You get to hear a lot of interesting poems.
Kuni: Oh that sounds kind of interesting. I like writing poetry.
Paul: You write poetry? That’s great! You should join the poetry slam tomorrow and read your poems! I’m sure people will like them.
Kuni: No way! The poems I write are about very personal things. It would be embarrassing to read them out loud. I would get to nervous.
Paul: Well, think about this. What if the greatest artists in history were too nervous to show their work? What if Shakespeare and Plato never showed their work?
Kuni: I understand what you’re saying. I’ll think about joining the poetry slam. (144 words)
Q. What is the main topic of their conversation?
1. Going to a poetry slam.
2. Kuni’s personal issues.
3. Kuni’s favorite poetry.
4. Shakespeare and Plato.
Q. What is a poetry …show more content…
To tell Kuni that his poetry is as good as Plato’s.
4. To show Kuni that his poetry is not as good as Shakespeare’s
通し番号02-060: Short Conversation (150 Words)
(Narrator): Listen to a conversation between two students in class.
Paul: Hey Neal, are you living in the dorms this year?
Neal: Hey Paul, yeah I am. I live in Robe house.
Paul: Robe house? What are the people like in that house? What is the house culture like?
Neal: Hmm. Well, Robe house is kind of an athletic house. So most of the students are on a sports team. Most of the football team kids live in Robe house. In fact, Robe house is right next to the college gym. That way, Robe house is very convenient for athletes. What’s your house like?
Paul: Ah well, I live in May house. It’s kind of a nerdy place. Most of us like to study hard, play chess, and do things like that. In fact, we have board game competitions almost every week. But there are a couple of athletes who live in the house too.
Neal: That makes sense. I’m sure there are athletes who like nerdy stuff too. (164 words)
Q. What is Robe house like?
1. Athletic.
2. Nerdy.
3. Funny.
4. Artsy.
Q. What is May house like?
1. Artsy.
2. Athletic.