Short And Long Term Effects Of Marijuana Essay

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Throughout adolescence and going into young adulthood, a profound amount of development occurs within the human brain. The brain of adolescent and young adults has a lot of developing to do, transforming from the brain of a child into the brain of an adult. Research has shown that the brain continues to mature and develop until approximately the age of 25 years. Marijuana use among adolescents and young adults has the potential to greatly affect this crucial process. As the rate of marijuana use among teens rises, so has the potency of marijuana, making it crucial to raise awareness and educate individuals as to the effects that marijuana can have on the growing adolescent brain. Marijuana being smoked today is much more potent than it was …show more content…
Learning, behavior and coordination, emotions, memory and intelligence are all affected when an individual continues to use marijuana. Marijuana use has been shown to negatively effect ones school performance and IQ (even into adulthood), driving ability, it also has the potential to be a gateway in relation to the use of other substances and can increase the risk for mental health problems. Marijuana use among teens doubles the risk of developing symptoms of depression and anxiety, has the potential to make the using individual three times as likely to have suicidal thoughts as compared to peers who do not smoke marijuana, as well as can create an increased risk of developing schizophrenia in later teen years. The risk for developing serious mental health problems, such as psychosis, schizophrenia, anxiety and depression is 2 to 5 times greater for individuals who start using marijuana before the age of 16 years. In all, continued exposure and use of marijuana among adolescents and young adults generates effects that are often times life-long. The rate at which teens are using marijuana continues to rise, making it crucial to intervene, educate and raise awareness on the numerous effects that marijuana use can have on the adolescent and young adult

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