Commitment In Romeo And Juliet

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Shakespeare shows commitment in the prologue through a variant of different ways.‘’A pair of star crossed lovers, take their life,’’ In this sentence the word star-crossed lovers, tells us and indicates that the two people who were the star-crossed lovers were truly in love and by it saying they ‘take their life’ then the commitment between Romeo and Juliet was strong. The phrase saying ‘death marked love,’ could indicate that the deaths were because of love, or they died with love and died happiness. In the prologue, it says ‘’doth with the death bury their parents strife.’’ The phrase shows how Romeo and Juliet did not know about the love between them until they died, this shows commitment because Romeo and Juliet 's relationship
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In this scene of this particular act is when Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet first meet. The first parts of speech that happen are between Romeo and the servant of the Capulets, Romeo says to the servant ‘’What lady 's that which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?’’ In this quotation, Romeo is asking the servant who Juliet is and the servant replies ‘’I know not, sir.’’ By him saying that he may be trying to protect her from Romeo or he doesn’t know who he is talking about as their are many females at the party/ball. When Romeo talks to the servant about Juliet, he symbolises Juliet through many different items, he says ‘’Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!’’ This sentence Romeo says is a metaphor but he symbolising Juliet as a light and a torch, he symbolises Juliet as these two items because Romeo thinks Juliet is beautiful. Romeo also symbolises Juliet as looking like a jewel by Romeo saying Juliet is looking like a jewel he’s saying she is a beauty, precious and worthy. Romeo also represents Juliet as a dove in the same paragraph which is a symbol to show and say that she is peaceful and it could also symbolise that she is a virgin. ‘’Did my heart love till now?’’ Romeo say’s words to possibly indicate that he doesn’t consider him as equal to her and also it is a sign of unrequited love which is one-sided love and it shows that Romeo doesn’t think he is worth for her and that he thinks she is too much of a ‘’god like figure.’’ When Romeo and Juliet first meet, shakespeare uses religious imagery to symbolize that Romeo is a pilgrim and Juliet is the shrine, during the time that Romeo and Juliet are talking, shakespeare is showing more and more religious imagery ‘’for saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss’’ in this phrase of religious imagery, she is saying it is okay to

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