Shadowy Lines That Still Divide: The Importance Of Education

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Whether we are born poor or rich determines the wealth of our lives or not? We all say different backgrounds create different lives. Social class obstructs a person’s steps to success and limits his/her development. However, how can we let the matter rest here and accept those unfair conditions? We should try the best to change our fates. Janny Scott and David Leonhardt’s article “Shadowy Lines That Still Divide” tells us society has changed a lot from decades ago and class differences are getting blurry rapidly. It is possible and credible to change our positions and futures regardless of what kind of class we are. Class difference is existing, but it is not significant and necessary for people to success. Our future is determined by ourselves. …show more content…
We can have no money and no power, but we cannot have no knowledge. No one wants to spend a lifetime with ignorance. In the graph “What It Takes to Get Ahead,” it takes a really high percent among different classes to believe a good education can help them to achieve dreams and the majority of people want to receive a college degree for their lives (Scott and Leonhardt 9). It shows more and more people think education plays a pivotal role for rising levels in today’s society. Also, they desire education because they think opportunities are often given to people who are well educated. As we know, the higher education we receive, the more money we earn. Employers tend to believe that people have high education are intelligent. Scott and Leonhardt once wrote, “skills and education have become more essential than ever” (9). We can say the importance of education is greater than money and power. It is important because it furthers understanding of the society and helps us to adapt the environment quickly. In addition, education is not only giving us knowledge, but also modeling our confidence. The knowledge makes the difference between success and …show more content…
Everyone’s talent and ability are limited, but the potential are unlimited if he/she makes efforts. The graph highlights “hard work—more than education, natural ability, or the right connection—is regarded as crucial for getting ahead in life” (Scott and Leonhardt 9). It shows hard work is meaningful for our lives and it can change our fate. Hard work will advantage us in every aspect of life. Hence, even though we are in the low class, we still can get what we want by working hard. Janny Scott and David Leonhardt stated that “… But if you persevere, you can overcome adversity. It has to do with a person’s willingness to work hard, and I think it’s always been that way” (4). It means no matter what level we are, no matter what the circumstances are, hard work can always help us all go on. Social adversity may cause lower people to lose their talents and limit their development because they do not have a lot of opportunities to show themselves. However, they should make constant efforts and never stop making progress in order to improve ourselves. Class differences are not necessarily a matter. Our efforts can bring us positive results. Overall, hard work is connected tightly with a person’s

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