By Madison Ochoco
Social Problems
Ms. Weidinger
Society and Inequality Today, the people of the United States are entitled to the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There are certain aspects we experience that shape our perspective of what liberty means to us as an individual. We are taught at home and in schools the values of right and wrong, from this concept we can mold the integrity of others and see the values of people’s character. From this idea, there can be prejudices and stereotyping within the beliefs of a community. This can create social, personal, and global problems throughout our life. When people have a prejudice over a person or a group it means they have an emotional attitude that legitimately discriminates the opposite group (Social Problems and the Quality of Life, 2011). There are also many agents of socialization which involve influences of culture, family, gender, race, school, religion, workplace, groups, technology, and media. The prejudice sources are often connected with personality needs, usefulness to certain groups, and attributes of a group that is possessed by the minority group. These prejudice …show more content…
The article states that words with ‘ism’ at the end, for example nationalism, holism, functionalism, racism, and individualism are a group of words that have an analytical theory embedded into the perspective of society (Pines 2014). Since a group of people have permanently states the core focuses on certain social problems, there are colossal forces that categorize individuals into sociocultural groups. The article also discusses the expanding network of communication and how the beliefs of one person can become the social normality of an entire community based off of prejudices and