Glitter! A noun that 's defines as tiny pieces of sparkling material used for decoration to give something that WOW factor. Glitter ,such a fun thing to use yet a mess to clean up afterward.Even though using glitter is a struggle,it pays off in the end when everyone wants to see why the poster or project has so much sparkle. When I see glitter it brings a smile to my face, I don 't know why it brings me so much happiness, …show more content…
When people eat or in this case buy perfume they usually smell whatever it may be they are going to ingest and for the buyers it determines whether they buy the product or not because who would want to wear something that smells awful . They way a product smells is important, because you want to smell good and leave people thinking,”Woah they smell good” and you have left an impression on them. The scent of a perfume can empower you in a way that makes you feel more confident just by wearing it.I love the fragrance perfume gives off for many reasons I love the fragrances scent, the leaves an impression on people,and it makes me feel confident wearing it. Knowing that whoever i come in contact with at the time will ask themselves what type of perfume I 'm wearing and remember me somehow because they liked the fragrance i had on. From then on every time they see me they will sa hey that 's the girl who smelled really nice the other day.The way the essence of a perfume empowers me is by simply due to the fact that If you smell good you must look good. That is true most of the time because when I put some on and in the hallway I am walking I act like if I 'm some type of actor and it boost my self confidence knowing I smell good. As crazy as that may sound something simple as being able to smell can do wonders.Smell can also be one 's personal recorder. That is one way perfume smell helps me.One sometimes one is very stressed and you smell a perfume when sparying it and it instantly brings back a memory which hopefully is good and makes you smile.The best part about perfume is that some of them containe glitter and when used they smel devine and make you sparkly.Perfume has a lovely smell that can leave an impression on