Seaworld Informative Speech

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What comes to mind when you hear the world Seaworld? Loud music, thrilling rides, and of course - the world famous Shamu Show. To some, SeaWorld is a vital part of the Orlando experience. Up until recently, I myself couldn't have agreed more with the idea that SeaWorld was a must-see, top of everyones bucket lists. I loved it. After visiting the park several times and witnessing the Shamu show first-hand, my family were left wondering ‘’how do they do it?’’ The reality of this family friendly fun-for-all park is far from pretty. It is a SeaWorld of hurt, abuse and neglect.
In fact, it is a prison for animals. Captive marine animals are robbed of everything that is natural to them, such as their close-knit family pod, and the ability to swim
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Anyone who has seen them in the wild or in captivity would agree. Isn't it funny how these huge creatures have this sort of take-your-breath-away beauty, like that of a Hollywood Starlet? Despite their name, ‘’killer’’ whales are actually incredibly social. In the wild, despite centuries of sharing the ocean, there has only ever been one report of an orca harming a human being. In captivity, however, orcas have attacked and killed 3 humans since 1991 as a result of stress and deprivation of all that is natural to …show more content…
The film shows the method of capturing wild orcas on the coast of Washington, which is a visibly horrific ordeal for the capturers as well as the orcas. Speedboats and aircrafts rallied towards the flocks of orcas, dropping water bombs to herd them together like sheep. The aircrafts kept tabs on their movements. A 3 acre net was thrown over them and the young were plucked from all they've ever known, while the painful cries of distress from their loved ones filled the ears of the humans capturing them. Some even died during the capturing process, dying for literally nothing. Stealing an animal from his natural environment, where he would swim vast distances from dawn ’til dusk, dive to extreme depths and spend his entire life with his close knit family pod is simply unethical. To use a living, breathing, self-aware and extremely intelligent being as a sperm bank in a forced captive breeding program, and as a part-time splash-machine for the enjoyment of the paying public is, considered by many, simply appalling. don’t have to be an animal rights activist to know when something is

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