A very distinctive trait about all whales in captivity is that all adult male killer whales have collapsed dorsal fins. SeaWorld claimed that this is a very common condition, trying to pass it off as a genetic issue rather than a captivity issue, but that claim is false. If you …show more content…
This evidence goes to show the differences in living conditions of captivity versus the wild, and the cause of this aggressive behavior and attacks can be linked together because of one thing, captivity. In captivity, many of the whales suffer from poor physical and mental health. The tanks that these whales are being forced to live in are only twice their size, causing the animals swim in small circles or float aimlessly, compared to traveling an easy 50 to 100 miles per day in the wild. When these animals are put in an environment like this they tend to get uninterested and unmotivated in the things that are around