Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

Improved Essays
George R.R. Martin once said “There is a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs”. A Savage reflects fierce, violent, and animal like nature. Lord of the Flies, the novel by William Golding, illustrates that blood thirst, loss of sympathy and release from civilization lead to savagery.
One of the first steps to savagery is the craving to kill a creature, the enjoyment they get from spilling another’s blood. “I was going to, I was choosing a place. Next time- !” (Golding, 29). Jack is referring to killing a piglet that they found as they were walking through the jungle. He tells Ralph and Simon that he is going to kill the pig the next time. In order to keep his fearless demeanor. This gave Jack the determination to kill, which pointed Jack to the direction of savagery. Nonetheless, towards the end of the book, Jack murders Simon along with his tribe. “At once the crowd surged after it poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth
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At the end of chapter one, Jack, Ralph, and Simon encounter a piglet. Jack attempts to kill it, but hesitates because the idea of sinking the knife into the piglet's flesh was abnormal to him. As time goes by, savage Jack steals Piggy's glasses in order to start a fire for their game. “‘That’s them,' said Piggy. ‘They blinded me. See? That's Jack Merridew.'" (Golding, 187-188). Stealing Piggy's glasses is like, cutting off his limbs. Piggy lost an important sense, as he cannot go through the day without his glasses. Jack shows no sympathy as he left Piggy blind for what is left of his life. Although Ralph had offered to give them fire as long as the savages give Piggy back his glasses, Jack refuses. This demonstrates that savages do not display emotions towards anything, they are

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