Authority is necessary in all aspects of life. Without it, there can only be anarchy and chaos. Early in the story Roger begins to throw stones at Henry to land a few feet from him. Roger was affected by the “taboo of the old life”, referring to his former lifestyle. His arm, according to the story, is conditioned to avoid hitting the boy because of that taboo against harming another person. “Round the squatting child was the protection of …show more content…
In Lord of the Flies, the boys accidentally killed Simon in thought of the beast. And so, “Simon’s dead body moved out toward the open sea” (154). The irony of thinking their saviour was the beast is not lost on the reader. Similarly, Robert got hurt playing as a pig and the boys go wild in the circle. “The circle moved in and round. Robert squealed in mock terror, then in real pain” (154). Ralph hit the boat with his spear and, furthermore, he acts upon his feelings. He “hit him”, said Ralph again, “and the spear stuck in a bit” (113). When Ralph throws his spear in a split second decision, he is elated by the feeling of the hunt and the victory of having hit the boar. In fact, he still is not accepted by the group of hunters. Civilization is as vital as blood to the