Simplified sustainable development report
Václav Pánek Ht16 MX023G (NEKOG B4141)
Introduction 3
Result 4 Responsible business 4 Code of Conduct 4 Conflict minerals 4 Reduce environmental impact 4 Innovative aircraft wing 5 Biofuels tested on Gripen 5 Green highway 5 Hull cleaning 5 Traffic management systems 5
Discussion 7
Reference 8
Saab wrote its first sustainability report in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) guidelines in 2014. Saab´s full report is available on the globalreporting.org website. Saab is a global defence and security company, which sells world-leading products and services from military defence to civil security. …show more content…
Aviation is Saab´s largest market segment. (Fig.1) Especially the Gripen system, which is used by Swedish air forces and has been also delivered to other countries as Thailand, Czech Republic and Hungary.
Saab states that by acting responsibly in everything they do, they earn the trust of stakeholders, Furthermore a long-range view is critical to Saab, especially since several of Saabs projects extend over more than 30 years.
Fig. 1 Market segments
The trust of stakeholders, better reputation, attraction of new employees, increase in employee and consumer loyalty and a great advertising are some examples of the advantages gained by writing GRI reports.
In accordance with the process for defining reporting content, Saab has divided its sustainability work into four areas: responsible business, reduce environmental impact, employer of choice, and contribute to society. (Fig.2) Fig. 2 Saab´s sustainability strategy This simplified report focuses primarily on the responsible businesses and the reduction of environmental impact. Result Responsible business This part describes Saab´s work with suppliers on social and environmental responsibilities. Code of Conduct As a long-term goal, Saab is working on the Code of Conduct for suppliers, which will be part of all of Saab´s purchase contracts. The code of conduct has not been completed yet, but according to the results from 2014, Saab is working on purchase contracts, which are urging the suppliers to comply with UN Global Compact´s ten principles. Three of these ten principles are dedicated to the environment. Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; while Principle 8: promoting greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies. Conflict minerals Conflict minerals include tin (Sn), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W) and gold (Au), which are extracted from mines run by rebels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighbouring countries. The revenue from these minerals finances armed conflict by the rebels and leads to further oppression and violence against local populations. Saab has further improved its routines to identify whether its products contain these minerals and where they come from. Reduce environmental impact Graph 1 Saab is working actively to minimise its impact on the environment and climate by reduction of energy consumption in its facilities and emissions from travel. Continuous communication and training for employees is an important part of this work in accordance with the principle 8 and 9. Principle 8: promoting greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies. Graph 1 From 2009 to 2014, energy consumption was reduced by 20 percent in Sweden. Saab states that the focus of these reports is on changing employees’ behaviours and using the best available technology based on analyses of lifecycle costs, as well as strategic facilities planning. Saab´s research and development department creates sustainable solutions for the future and to achieve reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is …show more content…
This dramatically cutting fuel consumption, while also lessening the spread of microorganisms in different aquatic environments.
Traffic management systems
Systems that lead to increased efficiency at airports and in ports, and by that reducing environmental impacts.
Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; while
Principle 8: promoting greater environmental responsibility
Saab has been reporting greenhouse gas emissions since 2006 to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which is an independent organisation that collects climate data from companies around the world.
Information on CDP and Saab’s complete report can be found at www.cdproject.net.
The long-term goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% (from 2007 to 2020). Results from 2014 show a 7% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 (Fig