Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate conscience is a concept related to the activities that are performed by a company to integrate social and environmental responsibility into their operations. It is a business model where companies attempt to work in a sustainable manner in compliance with international laws and ethics. Many companies have a CSR Policy, which defines areas of concern and initiatives to improve relations with the people and environments affected by business operations.
“Our strategic philanthropy and corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts are aligned to our key businesses and focus on three distinct areas: arts and culture, technology and the environment, with a particular …show more content…
Sony aims to achieve zero environmental footprint throughout the lifecycle of its products and business activities and has implemented a global environmental plan called “Road to Zero” in April 2010. Sony has devised Green Management 2015, a set of specific mid-term targets that the Sony Group must meet by fiscal year 2015 if it is to achieve the ultimate goal of Road to Zero by 2050. These are primarily based on climate change, resource conservation, management of chemical substances and biodiversity.
Climate change: In the fiscal year 2012, greenhouse gas emissions at Sony Group sites were approximately 1.26 million tons, down approximately 43% from fiscal year 2000. In addition to efficient use of energy, it is also aggressively pursuing renewable energies. Electricity acquired from renewable sources is almost 7% of Sony group’s total worldwide …show more content…
The work force comprises of 37.5% Japanese, 21.5% East-Asian, 14.2% Pan Asian, 13.0% North American a, 10.2% European and 3.6% Latin American(As of March 31, 2013 by published in the Sony-CSR Report).It ensures human rights and equal opportunities for all and promotes opportunities for women. Sony holds an annual diversity message (slogan) competition on human rights-related issues to raise awareness among individual employees Sony provides training for new recruits through an e-learning module called "Human Rights and the Company" and holds regular human rights-themed training sessions for managers. It has system in place for employees undertaking child care/nursing care and to ensure healthy work-life