To: Seniors preparing for a career in Research & Development in Ruminant Nutrition
From: Cendra Sebolt
Date: January 20, 2018
Re: Proposal Writing Guide
Congratulations on making it to your senior year in Animal Science, pursuing a career in Ruminant Nutrition. As you know, Ruminant Nutrition is a diverse field, and pursuing Research and Development was a great choice. Research allows us to try new things, gain more knowledge, and make new discoveries in order to help animals. An important part of any research is proper documentation, starting with a research proposal. You also may encounter other proposals such as funding projects or business proposals. The purpose of a proposal is to inform people about your topic and persuade them …show more content…
According to Brady at the University of Richmond Writing Center, in this section you will introduce the problem to your audience. You must explain how this research can change/improve the already existing methods. This informs the reader on what you want to accomplish with your project. Finally, you will finish by giving a brief overview of what the proposal entails.
The Library at the University of Southern California states the next paragraph should explain the purpose of your research. This entails analyzing why this research is important, and what benefits it has. While doing this you need to provide your audience with as much information as necessary, such as defining key concepts/terms. Not only does this allow the audience to have better understanding of your topic, it can also help persuade them to support your project.
Presenting the …show more content…
Since your proposal will be long and thought out, The University of Wisconsin-Madison suggests you summarize your paper, focusing on key points of the project. This entails restating the problem and the proposed solution. Add a reference page at the end of your proposal. Remember to thank your audience for their time and consideration.
The final step to your proposal is proofreading and editing before submission. Make sure to take note of the language used throughout the document, and use positive attitude. Be clear, concise, and show your passion. Mastering proposal writing will allow you to be successful in any career, not just your research. Once again, congratulations enjoy your last year; keep writing.
Brady, C (n,d). Writing in the Disciplines: Business – Writing Business Proposal. Retrieved January 17, 2018, from
Kurzweil Education System. (2002). Sample Grant Proposal. Retrieved January 17, 2018, from
The University of Wisconsin- Madison. Make Your Last Words Count. (n,d). Retrieved January 17, 2018, from