Ronald Takaki's A Different Mirror

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Reader Response of Chapter 3 of A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America by Ronald Takaki

In the book, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Ronald Takaki talks about how slavery came into place and shifted from white servants to black slaves. As a matter of a fact, during the start of the New World, white servants assembled most of the labor. In addition, Takaki explains, in great detail, the harsh, cruel origins that begot slavery. In the beginning, the English were first drawn to the color of the Africans. Consequently, in the English’s eyes, black meant filthy, dirty, unclean, evil, and wicked. “The color white, on the other hand, signified purity, innocence, and goodness” (Takaki 52). Takaki first mentions the fact that a vast number of colonists who worked as indentured servants traveled to the New World in order to have freedom and land. However, they were discriminated by the wealthy white people who were already living there, and these colonists’ dreams were shattered. As a result, they rioted all across the streets, and the wealthy white people were scared and terrified of them because they were able to carry weapons. Consequently, the wealthy white people resorted to African slaves since the English were able to control their actions. There was an overwhelmingly number of rules and
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Additionally, I didn’t understand how Thomas Jefferson, one of the most amazing Presidents of the United States and a profound Christian, had many slaves and allowed them to be whipped and tortured. Surprisingly, even though he wanted to abolish slavery, he did not show his opposing view of slavery through his actions. In fact, I believe that he wanted to abolish slavery so that he could appear as a sincere and godly man. As a result, I became skeptical towards the disgraceful actions he

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