The author interrupts this dream-like scene as Perry broaches the subject of the murders yet again. Immediately, Capote begins to reveal the true superficiality of Dick’s personality through uses of syntax and diction. Perry starts by explaining that there “must be something wrong” for the two of them to “do what they did”, and Dick responds with, “Did what?”(29). Though the reply may seem simple and insignificant, that is exactly the reason it is important. Capote utilizes short and abrupt sentences in order to further portray Dick as a two dimensional character.…
we haven’t had much of a life together”(267), and if not for Betsy’s love and trust in Tom, their marriage would have been broken a long time ago. Tom was a masochist. Tom’s idea of a masochists editing his memories is ironic because in his attempt to edit his memories he instead becomes the masochists. Tom’s frustration leads him into this inhuman being as seen in the cases where he has the desire to kill both Edward and Ogden. He confirms this when he says “I would have gone on, becoming more and more bitter, more and more cynical, and I don’t know where that road would have ended”(273).…
In Kurt Vonnegut’s article, he explains why you should examine your writing style with the idea of improving it. In order to do so, Vonnegut suggest the following seven step process: 1. Finding a subject that you care about, 2. Do not ramble, 3. Keeping it simple, 4.…
In chapter 2, the author conveys a scene of Nick and Tom on the Train headed to the Bronx. In order to get to the Bronx, the train they were first had to stop at the valley of ashes, the midpoint between West Egg and the Bronx. When the train made a stop at the valley of ashes, Tom ordered Nick around and announced what it is they are going to do; these are clear indicators of Tom's nature and continue to mark him as the story continues. He’s a character that looks down on everyone else. He always has to be in control.…
Tim O’Brien’s writing style represents his own unique approach to writing, where he starts with a short sentence, then levitates towards long run-on sentences, before going back to short sentences. He repeats this form of writing several times throughout the passage. O’Brien might be using this technique as a way to evoke, emphasize, and breakup the different settings, ideas, and thoughts he had at the moment. Firstly, he began by explaining the setting, adding a comma, and then relaying his behaviour of being unable to sleep. Then, he adds another comma and ends the sentence with what he was thinking at the time.…
Life is short. That is the simple and unforgiving fact that cannot be avoided. It can often pass by as quickly as it comes when noses are buried in our cell phones instead of observing and appreciating the changing of seasons or the orange-purple sunset that concludes each day. That one idea— to pay attention— is what drives Alice Steinbach 's philosophy on writing along with a collection of other tactics taught to her by her ninth grade creative writing teacher Miss Dennis, which is showcased in her essay "The Miss Dennis School of Writing". Steinbach creates a well-rounded philosophy consisting of many elements throughout the essay.…
Tom knows that with his wealth, power, and status, he can do whatever he wants, and can use these things to his advantage to get rid of people he does not like, at the same time protecting…
In her collection of short stories, Flannery O’Connor has a characteristic style that is shown through her narrator and figurative language regardless of the plot or scenario. In the first four novella in the collection, O’Connor introduces the reader to these aspects of her style via similar uses and different elements according to each story she tells. Her novellas have a characteristic style through color imagery, a mean-spirited (but humorous) storyteller as the narrator, strange comparisons, and allusions to Catholicism throughout, which together establish her style as one that is unique among other twentieth century writers. In the first paragraph of her short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” O’Connor uses the Grandmother’s comment about a hypothetical situation to suggest and foreshadow the novella’s plot.…
“Development of disciplinary writing,” (Roozen, 182) the act of looking at a person’s literacies and seeing the improvement of writing. I found through my interview, of Tais Mitchell, that this literacy practice is true. First Tais and I talked about his everyday literacies (including social media) and how they have affected his writing and the development of his literacies. After that we discussed barriers that he has overcome in his life to become an improved writer. Next, Tais told me about the things that have best influenced his literacy skills to this day.…
Patricia Highsmith’s novel The Talented Mr. Ripley and Anthony Minghella’s 1999 screen adaptation of the same name delve into the life of a man with a talent for impersonation, fraud and his desire to obtain a lush lifestyle beyond his means. Sexuality and eroticism play a key role in the film adaptation. The precursor novel does not portray Tom Ripley as an overt homosexual, it displays the character as a sexually ambiguous individual. However, in the film it is evident that Ripley would rather sacrifice admitting his homosexuality in order to lead a luxurious but heterosexual existence.…
I’ve downed several flasks of whiskey now. My mind feels clouded, disoriented and dizzy yet I keep drinking. Reckless, I am under the influence of spirit, I know it’s right for me to stop but I won’t, I can’t. Despite my hazy state, I still feel pain, I’m drowning, suffocating under the guilt, remorse and oh the pain…...…
The break is in Tom when he kills Dickie and following the murder, readers see Tom morph into a “objectophile”, who is so proud of his new-found masculinity as well as his social class, though still maintains a deep envy of Marge which almost costs him in the near end. After the murder of Dickie, the scene in which Tom boards the train and “caresses” the “white, taut sheets” and feels “ecstatic” is a clear example in transformation from envy to pride as he has finally attained what wants (106). Though there is something to be said about the way Highsmith sexualizes the description of Tom’s mannerisms about objects. He drops the love of men for a moment while he basks in love for what he has achieved. Highsmith proves this in the scene where Tom takes a young man up to his hotel room.…
Patricia Highsmith’s novel “The Talented Mr. Ripley” presents to the reader a sexually complex character, Tom Ripley. Tom Ripley, who plays both the protagonist and antagonist in the novel, possesses the gift of imitation, forgery and impersonation. He uses these gifts to his advantage whenever possible throughout the novel. The other two main characters of this book are Marge and Richard “Dickie” Greenleaf. Sexuality is a sensitive topic for Mr. Ripley, even when he was a young child.…
The last thing we all want to do when we are reading a book is flipping the pages back and forth to understand the page you we are reading. Blackwater by Kerstin Ekman, was one of the most interesting and most complicated books I have ever read. Being used to American writing style, it was pretty hard to stay on track with Black Water since it’s a Swedish novel. Being a detective is the last thing I would of have thought of myself. The readers of The Blackwater have become an unlicensed detective.…
(H) What makes a writer go down in history as a literary icon? Most would say writing style is what appeals most to the readers. (CI) Hermann Hesse, a German writer and poet, is said to have one of the most unique writing styles of the early nineteenth century. His works include Demian and Siddhartha.…