Another formatting feature used within the extract is the unique use of ellipses between every sentence “what a vagrant thought…Kroeger…Kroeger”. Similarly, to how the short sentences cut through Alex’s thoughts, the ellipses work through increasing tension through long pauses and spaced out thoughts. In addition, both short sentences and ellipses create frequent breaks between thoughts and a…
Chapter Analysis: On the Rainy River Claim 1: O’Brien undergoes a lot of emotions throughout this chapter: Desolation, helplessness and angst. He wants his readers to feel the same things that he felt on the Rainy River and everywhere in between. Reasoning and evidence:…
In Tim O’Brien’s speech “Heroes,” O’Brien describes what he defines as a hero. O’Brien describes a hero as someone who is not fooled by what is going on around them. To personify his definition of a hero, O’Brien uses Elroy Birdall, an old man he met before he made his decision on whether or not he was going to dodge the draft, to show how Birdall has met his criteria of a hero is. O’Brien uses physical descriptions of Birdall to convey his message. Birdall is described by O’Brien as “tiny” and “shrunken” (O’Brien 277).…
War changes people. The Vietnam war changed many soldiers, families, and countries who were affected. This war was different from the other wars we had fought in the past. It was long and, it lasted years longer than they had expected. The war became increasingly unpopular at home in the United States.…
F: How does the way O’Brien structures his work inform the themes and messages he develops? The way O’Brien structures his work through the use of narrative storytelling, direct quotation, and recurring motifs help emphasize the themes of post-war hardships, emotional weakness, and guilt . O’Brien uses common motifs of amoral decision making, isolation, and moral ambiguity. The motifs set the path for the book because O’Brien creates a novel about a group of men who endure the mental and physical fight on war.…
English connected text essay - How do the authors use literary techniques to explore common themes throughout both novels? One would think the deep by Claire Zorn and Breath by Tim Winton Tim Winton and Claire Zorn are two Australian authors of the novels Breath and One would think the deep, respectively. The two texts are based in small Australian towns along the coast, and are set between the 1970s to 1990s. They feature the use of Australian slang and pop culture, including surfing, which is an underlying basis for both texts. The authors have used literary techniques to explore the themes of; struggling with self-confidence, men cannot show weakness, and escapism.…
In Tim O’Brien’s novel ‘’How To Tell A True War Story’’ he uses incisive writing to portray the hardship of war life. In the beginning Tim O’Brien tells how he wrote to his friends sister informing her about her brother's death, and including a few stories of his bravery. Then he goes straight to the point and says ‘’A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior.…
O’Briens use of imagery is a key element in his passage. My first example is “There were many bodies, real bodies with real faces, but I was young then and I was afraid to look. And now, twenty years later, I”m left with faceless responsibility and faceless grief” he used the young men to represent the fearless Vietnam soldiers that have died. Thousands of soldiers were dead and weren’t able to be identified because they were burned by napalm or they were buried by the American soldiers.…
Attention Grabber: In our society, we all long for a feeling of acceptance by our peers and we detest the feeling of being left on the outside. Introduce literature used: On a Rainy River by Tim O’Brien Thesis: Acceptance of plays a role in the responsibilities that we put upon ourselves, this is demonstrated through the character of Tim O'Brien, metaphor and tone of the story. Body Body Paragraph 1…
Donald Murray meticulously developed and laid out ten writing habits he performs in order to hone in on his writing potential. After a self evaluation I came to the realization I possess similar to habits to those of Mr. Murray, but I also have my own. The habit of awareness and connecting seem to interconnect for me. The book How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster immediately came to mind. Foster discusses various interpretations of literature through quests, communion, themes, and of course symbols because “Everything is a symbol of something, it seems, until proven otherwise.”…
Life is short. That is the simple and unforgiving fact that cannot be avoided. It can often pass by as quickly as it comes when noses are buried in our cell phones instead of observing and appreciating the changing of seasons or the orange-purple sunset that concludes each day. That one idea— to pay attention— is what drives Alice Steinbach 's philosophy on writing along with a collection of other tactics taught to her by her ninth grade creative writing teacher Miss Dennis, which is showcased in her essay "The Miss Dennis School of Writing". Steinbach creates a well-rounded philosophy consisting of many elements throughout the essay.…
The Writing Style of Olaudah Equiano in Comparison to Johnathon Edwards Olaudah Equiano had published his narrative during the same time period as many prominent Puritans like Jonathon Edwards and Ann Bradstreet. However; his writing differs greatly from theirs. Equiano views God as shepherd rather than an omnipotent being waiting to condemn all of humanity to hell. Equiano writes a narrative detailing his journeys from salve to freeman while Edwards creates a religious sermon meant to scare the congregation into repenting. The most drastic difference between the two of writers is their use of imagery.…
Tim O’Brien always seemed to base his stories off his own experiences in one way or another. More specifically for this essay, we will be talking about “How to Tell a True War Story” in his book “The Things They Carried”. What I am getting at here is that his work never seems to be what we originally think it is. In his story “How to Tell a True War Story”, the point of the story is not about war, it is not a war story. It is a love story; it is a ghost story.…
Literature hold various components of structure and style. After reading the essay, “Just Think: The Changes of a Disengaged Mind,” by Timothy Wilson, it can presume that this essay is written in a plain style. In the word plain style, the word plain symbolize simplicity. Accordingly, the style that this essay holds is the simple concept of constructing sentences into plain English, by using simplest words. It is true that the author has used the plain style to pursue to convey the audiences, but why did the author intend to present his work in a plain style, he could have constructed his essay in any structure or style.…
Kesey’s writing style is wholly unique. Kesey is able to write with several different tones which gives One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest its incredibly unique feel. Few writers would be able to go from a tone of acid trip to machinery to humorous in the span of only a few pages. Even fewer yet would be able to flow between tones as smoothly as Kesey. An example of this is when Kesey is describing Nurse Ratched for the first time.…