The struggle in for Rodriguez to find a balance between his educational experiences and personal life was to embrace two different environments by understanding the basis of which the outcomes. Both Rodriguez and his family come from the principles of hard work, dedication, honesty and focusing on what is important. The balance in understanding these principles for Rodriguez is the struggle for him to understand, regardless of where we end up in life. Throughout life we continue to learn like Rodriguez and become aware of who we are in our educational, personal, and professional life. He is a mere student merging from the ethics of his parents' vision.…
Rodriguez supports his argument against bilingual education by using mainly the contrast technique in order for the readers to become more sensitive to his topic and argument Richard’s entire essay is based on the contrast between “the loss” in private and “the gain” in public. By presenting those two opposed extremes, readers become more sensitive to his argument as his essay becomes more realistic. In the part of the private loss, Ricardo faces problems at home, since he came to believe…
Assignment 3 Comparison Although Richard Rodriguez and Amy Tan both had a distinct perception of the importance of their intimate family language, they both had the same similarities of facing the struggles they perceived society required of them which was learning the English language. Both Tan and Rodriguez faced these struggles at different points of their lives and had to manage whether they would let the English language conflict with their family’s language. They are fighting to identify whom they want to be in society and whether they want to maintain their roots and language of their culture or adapt to where they now reside. Aside from their differences the similarities they both shared with each other was significant due to them being in the same position and deciding whether they wanted to…
Hunger of Memory People overcome obstacles in their everyday life, it is not a new thing. Some people face obstacles far worse than others could ever begin to imagine. Hunger of Memory is a biography written by Richard Rodriguez, it highlights the many obstacles he faced in his life. Richard Rodriguez is a man who moved to America knowing less than 50 words of English. He tells his story in the book Hunger of Memory where he highlights the obstacles he went through.…
In “The Achievement of Desire”, by Richard Rodriguez, he discusses how his education has impacted his life. Rodriguez talks about how through his education he grew further from his parents because of their lack of education. For years and year Rodriguez poured his heart and soul into education. He wanted to achieve things that his parents were not able to because of their lack education. At the end of the essay Rodriguez talks about the “end of education”.…
Response to “Literacy behind Bars” by Malcolm X In “Literacy behind Bars” by Malcolm X, Malcolm tells us how he went from a prisoner that didn 't know how to read a sentence, to an advocate giving thousands of speeches to better the lives of African Americans. Malcolm, learned how to read in prison. He came to the sense that he needed to learn how to read and write after he couldn 't even read a sentence off a book after he got jealous of one of his prison mates knowledge.…
Rodriguez describes growing further from his family when he began to take on more and more speaking of the public language. He became more intimate with friends who spoke English as well and begins to realize the intimacy his family and family friends have with one another can’t be accomplished between them and English speakers. Even as his own siblings begin to adopt more of the public language, he becomes aware of the fact that, similar to himself, the…
We all know that it is important to "fit in", but at what cost. Richard Rodriguez say's "The voices of my parents and sister and brother. Their voices insisting: You belong here. We are family members. Related.…
Quan learned the English language because it is the dominant language of America. Being alienated from the public is a major problem for many bilingual children because they aren’t ready to step out of the comfort of their private language and enter the public language. Rodriguez explains how as a child he felt timid and shy because he couldn’t assimilate, but once he accepted his identity as an American citizen, he was able to open up and merge English as his public and private language. When Rodriguez discovered his identity he explains, “Only when I was able to think of myself as an American, no longer an alien in gringo society, could I seek the rights and opportunities necessary for full individuality. (33)”…
Richard Rodriguez’s “The Achievement of Desire” is a retrospective style essay, where he explains the extraordinary educational experiences he endures and the cultural conflicts he undergoes. Richard tackles a psychological battle that makes him choose between education and family: growing up with poorly educated, immigrant parents, who had to make many sacrifices to achieve their greatly improved, yet relatively low economic status, which they are very happy with; while at the same time being surrounded by peers in his school, with the American mentality of improving from generation to generation. Richard’s ambition to learn, and to be like his teachers, separated him from his cultural background. Almost immediately, at a very young age, Richard…
In Gloria Anzaldúa’s essay “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” the author argues for the ways in which people can be made to feel ashamed of their own tongues. On the contrary, in Richard Rodriguez’s essay “Aria: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood,” the author stands against bilingual education and affirmative action. Gloria Anzaldúa was born in 1942 in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. She eventually became a schoolteacher and then an academic. More importantly, Anzaldúa speaks and writes about feminist, lesbian, and Chicano issues.…
In today’s society, not much thought goes into how an author finds his or her voice. Many think of it as a “natural” talent or something someone’s born with, but that is not the case. Only a few people understand the process behind developing one’s voice. Even though discovering one’s voice and identity are not normally viewed as abusive, in some cases the process behind it can be detrimental to one’s character. In Barbara Mellix’s personal essay “From Outside, In” and Richard Rodriguez’s “The Achievement of Desire,” both of the authors discover their writing voices due to their childhoods, which left them with psychological consequences affecting them throughout various points of their lives.…
A mother’s love is one that will always be there with no questions asked. Love is the foundation for a prosperous and thriving family Pat Mora was born in El Paso, Texas in 1942, to a Spanish speaking family. Mora “takes pride in being a Hispanic writer, she sees her work for both children and adults as bound up with the effort to promote literacy, a wider knowledge and appreciation of Hispanic culture and heritage, and cross cultural understanding” (971). Mora shows the concept of a Mother’s love through her poems “Elena” and “Mothers and Daughters.” She also gives us a glimpse of what life is like as a Mexican American, she explains their hardships, strengths, and trials that make them who they are.…
As outcome, I try everything to improve my Spanish like, I took Spanish for three years in high school, listen to music in Spanish, read Spanish and practice writing it. My motivation is my Mother and family. Without them criticizing and making fun of me, I would have never pushed myself to actually taking the learn the language. It’s similar to Richard’s educational experience because it was hard for him to speak Spanish to his relatives after he learned to speak English.…
Rodriguez’s essay, Aria, shares his experience of growing up bilingual, and what it was like to go to an American school after speaking only Spanish for his entire life. He wanted people to understand and connect to his life story, which I did because I also grew up bilingual. I wanted to share the transition I went through from my elementary school years, which was tough, to my life right now because both experiences are interconnected. Both Rodriguez and I used antithesis, first person pronouns, and diction to convey the struggle that our younger selves went through and how it connects to our current perception of school and society.…