Ott and Carl R. Burgchardt's article are very divergent than the other three sources in terms of the purpose of the writing; however, it also shares plenty of similarities on behalf of the narrative approach and the reflection of the historical context. I believe the fact that this article speaks to the educational field about the disadvantages in media can be a special direction to expand on when I am developing my sub-arguments. The reason for that is as referring back to the article about how melodramatic genre can affects the audience's reception about this film, these articles actually offers some solutions for the educational workers on how to guide students to use their sensibilities while receiving messages through media. Moreover, this article spends more space on acquiring the problems in this film rather than applause its achievement, at least to some extents, in other articles. Therefore, it provides me with a fresh angle to observe and analysis details from the film and to rethink about if my own claims in the later writing process are accurate
Ott and Carl R. Burgchardt's article are very divergent than the other three sources in terms of the purpose of the writing; however, it also shares plenty of similarities on behalf of the narrative approach and the reflection of the historical context. I believe the fact that this article speaks to the educational field about the disadvantages in media can be a special direction to expand on when I am developing my sub-arguments. The reason for that is as referring back to the article about how melodramatic genre can affects the audience's reception about this film, these articles actually offers some solutions for the educational workers on how to guide students to use their sensibilities while receiving messages through media. Moreover, this article spends more space on acquiring the problems in this film rather than applause its achievement, at least to some extents, in other articles. Therefore, it provides me with a fresh angle to observe and analysis details from the film and to rethink about if my own claims in the later writing process are accurate