To elaborate, the major Party and the Minor party disagree on civilian Gun control. Republicans believe that every American has a right to own, carry and use a firearm. They are against federal firearm registration and supported to remove provisions in the 1968 gun control act. The Green Party in the other hand support gun control. The platform says that there should be strict restriction on the existence and availability of guns. They also think that there should not be any kind of loopholes on background checks that are given. Whether they are deactivated or activated weapons it should be prohibited.
Capital Punishment has been a contradicting issue for many years. Republican platform have favored the death penalty, they support allowing states to make a decision whether or not to impose the death penalty for certain crimes. …show more content…
GOP platforms stands behind “traditional values” coming to their decisions that following those values include marriage between one man and one woman. Republicans values can be contradicting because they say they are against same sex marriage but say it should be the state’s decision to make their own laws on the issue. The green party are for legalization of same sex marriage. They strive to ensure that no LGBTQ person faces unequal treatment, discrimination or violence. They want to make marriage equality truly