“stated” or “complained” was used to describe a woman’s comments in an article vs. a man’s comments. The language used will determine how the world perceives her; moreover, a man will have “stated” something and a woman will have “complained” about something, in the same article. Women today can no longer embody all the complexities of a human being and instead are put into categories “sexy …show more content…
United States is 90th in the world with regards to women in national legislatures and not one of the 67 countries to have a female President or Prime Minister. Women in media are portrayed as
“catty, decorative, stupid, natural enemies and not to be trusted.” Successful women are asked who will take care of their children and are more likely to be described as emotional or in emotional terms all of which equate to being unfit to hold office. Men also set the standard of what a leader looks like and this inhibits women, because they have to walk the line between
“masculine” and “feminine” in order to fill what a leader looks like without being to “bitchy” or a “boner shirker.” Katie Couric also describes how she has to look good on TV, but also professional enough, but the media will still solely concentrate on her looks and choice of clothes. When the media focuses on these aspects of women they take away women’s accomplishments and diminishes their power. The default of society is patriarchy and the media plays into this view. With media becoming increasingly powerful, the messages they send about women become even more important and influential in their