In order for Reliance Baking Soda to remain a top contender in the market measures to produce private labels should be explored. This has contributed to RBS losing market share of around five percent to its competitors who readily produce private brands. This would increase RBS market share because they would be able to also be positioned as a lower alternative to the more prestigious brands. Conversely if RBS was able to capitalize on this market share their deficits …show more content…
This problem existed because Reliance Baking Soda failed to provide concrete information regarding price when merchandises were acquired during their various trade promotion events. These activities placed RBS at a disadvantage because inventory were offered at reduced prices. Furthermore customer promotions and trade promotions occurred concurrently which made it difficult to differentiate percentage increases in profit. Due to these difficulties ultimately, RBS experienced decreased profits due to their inability to effectively provide adequate promotional incentives to grocery stores that market their baking