Relevant Quotes In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Throughout the novel Night, Elie Wiesel stated three poignant and relevant quotes during his survival of the Holocaust. Firstly, he claims that the torture he endured and observing his people walking into their own deaths will forever change the way he views God and the world. Secondly, he loses his faith towards mankind because he feels sympathetic towards a child receiving misfortune in the concentration camp rather than adult. Lastly, Wiesel learns that Hitler is the only person throughout the Holocaust who has stuck to their word because Jews would lie to try and escape the torture of the camps, so others had to receive a punishment for their actions. “…Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes…” (Wiesel 34). In this quote Wiesel tells about the trauma of experiencing his first day in Auschwitz. He endeavored torture and observed his own people walking to their own deaths, which is impressionable to someone of his age since the Nazi’s treated them more along the lines as animals rather than as living human beings. The relevancy of telling this quote, is to show how dreadful it was to be a Jew during the Holocaust. For example, before entering Auschwitz, Wiesel used to be a devout Jew who wanted to be considerately involved …show more content…
He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people,” (Wiesel 81). During the Holocaust, Jews would try to lie to escape the camps, but also risked the lives of their barrack group. However, some cases were for the safety of themselves. For example, Wiesel and his father lied about their age and occupation in order to not get sent to the crematorium. I believe Elie included this quote in the novel because he wanted others to know that everyone had either been lied to by fellow Jews or the S.S. officers who commanded the concentration camps. Take into consideration that inside

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