Personal Narrative Essay: The Over-Consumption Of Technology

Improved Essays
Technology, the word that literally and historically changed the world to be modern and forever changing. I considered myself a person that never abused technology, but this assignment probably made me realize more than expected. In other words, I have programmed myself to rely on technology profusely. The very first day when I initiated the journal entry in order to track my technology use, I expected to just write about my day and forget about it. However, by the end of the day as I analyzed my notes, I am more than certain that I mimicked those cartoons that literally drop their jaws and need someone to pick it up for them. I was shocked to discover that out of a fifteen hour day, I used five of those hours on technology. Now when you describe five hours out of fifteen total on paper, it …show more content…
It can be used for entertainment, communication, and even to pursue an education from the comfort of your own home. I do agree, that over-consumption of technology can have negative effects but it all depends on the person. However, just as I stated about people missing out on technology, someone can argue that we, the technology users are missing out on life itself. Some of us, myself included can say that I have missed out on an opportunity of going somewhere, due to technology. Furthermore, it gets worse the younger you are. Little ones have started early on technology, whereas myself, I went through my childhood and early teen years without a cellphone. Overall, it depends on each person and although, I have had my slips I tend to moderate my usage of technology. Just how I used five hours of technology on one of my off days, habitually doing that can become unhealthy. Fortunately enough, I grew up in the middle of old and new, so I meet technology half way. I still appreciate life and nature, as much as a resource like

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