Suddenly I realized that all my pages and pages regarding the evils of Satan were virtually lacking of what ‘I really wanted to relate;’ by my words I realized my “true desire” transpired as being deliberately vague. This factual bombshell exploded within my being, along with the amazing issue of how unnerved I had become. Unlike the bold encounter I previously mentioned with my Aunt Lucy May regarding this subject, I found the experience of conversing with an unfamiliar man concerning my Godly sexual beliefs, distressed me as much as if Billy Graham was rummaging through my panty drawer needing answers about my “unmentionables.”
This awkward reaction generated a spotlight on my years of trying to circumvent this issue. The fact of the matter years passed, I repeatedly had prayed or ‘rather beg,’ pleading my case to the LORD that I could not …show more content…
Regardless of what I prayed in desperation to the LORD, for years within my spirit, a soft nudging to write this would never depart from my being. Possibly I needed time to mature regarding my beliefs and transpires as why it took quite a few years writing about ‘Satan’s perversions,’ to travel full circle back to this Godly Truth I believed in. Although, this sexual awareness surrounded my studies and research, I still entertained no desire to divulge my beliefs.
Suddenly, a surge of ‘despair’ raced through my apprehensive mind-set, as the moment of truth happened upon my being. Reluctantly, I ingested a bitter pill realizing an enormous area concerning the LORD’S magnificent sexual presence surfaced as deliberately being withheld. Consequently, the truth erupted - I needed to get over it - if I wanted my convictions known; to get over my anxiety regarding my own relationship with God’s sexual