The lack of food, water, and needed accommodations was demoralizing. The people in the concentration camps were beaten down physically, emotional, mentally. Citizens were forced participate in various procedures that stripped them of their self-image. There was an absence of humanity in Auschwitz. The constant hunger and weakness caused people to act out. Brothers, sons, and fathers committed adultery in order to lose their family members reliance. The author observed this behavior more than once stating,"He had felt that his father was growing weak, he had believed that the end was near and had sought his separation in order to get rid of the bolder, to free himself from an encumbrance which could lessen his own chances of survival"(61). Wiesel goes on to state that he would never share this with the father in order to save him from the pain of betrayal. Sons left their fathers in order to save themselves absorbing the narcissistic practices of camp life. "' I'm your're hurting me... You're killing your father'...' His son searched him, took the bread, and began to devour it'"(68). The reoccurrence of brutality shows that when fighting for life one will take desperate measures. These men proves that if you want something bad enough one will stop at nothing to achieve it. The author illustrates this in his own way by writing of his struggle of survival for his father and himself. He pushes himself to provide and stay near his father even when all hope in survival is lost. Without his perseverance and determination to survive he and his father would have not survived as far as they
The lack of food, water, and needed accommodations was demoralizing. The people in the concentration camps were beaten down physically, emotional, mentally. Citizens were forced participate in various procedures that stripped them of their self-image. There was an absence of humanity in Auschwitz. The constant hunger and weakness caused people to act out. Brothers, sons, and fathers committed adultery in order to lose their family members reliance. The author observed this behavior more than once stating,"He had felt that his father was growing weak, he had believed that the end was near and had sought his separation in order to get rid of the bolder, to free himself from an encumbrance which could lessen his own chances of survival"(61). Wiesel goes on to state that he would never share this with the father in order to save him from the pain of betrayal. Sons left their fathers in order to save themselves absorbing the narcissistic practices of camp life. "' I'm your're hurting me... You're killing your father'...' His son searched him, took the bread, and began to devour it'"(68). The reoccurrence of brutality shows that when fighting for life one will take desperate measures. These men proves that if you want something bad enough one will stop at nothing to achieve it. The author illustrates this in his own way by writing of his struggle of survival for his father and himself. He pushes himself to provide and stay near his father even when all hope in survival is lost. Without his perseverance and determination to survive he and his father would have not survived as far as they