2. Reflect on the QSEN project and the ANA Code of Ethics. Did you find similarities between the QSEN project and the ANA Code of Ethics? Reflect on the similarities.
The QSEN project and the ANA Code of Ethics have many similarities regarding nursing care. Overall, the QSEN project is concerned primarily with ensuring the quality and safety of nursing care. Whereas, the ANA Code of ethics is …show more content…
This element outlines the responsibilities of nurses and their coworkers. According to the International Council of Nurses (2012), nurses must develop a workplace that supports common professional ethical values, supports the collaboration of different disciplines, and provides for resolution of conflict among its members. This concept is similar to the QSEN project’s competency of teamwork and collaboration. According to Case Western Reserve University (2014), a collaborative effort is required among multiple disciplines in order to provide the highest quality of …show more content…
According to Universal Health Services (2016), in order to provide safe and quality care, we adhere to the following principles: continuous improvement in measurable ways, employee development, ethical and fair treatment of all, and teamwork. Respectively, these principles can also be found in the ICN Code of Ethics. According to the International Council of Nurses (2012) nurses must develop and continuously monitor a work setting that promotes quality care, establish systems of professional appraisal and continuing education, provide care that respects the dignity and human rights of all, and create a workplace that supports the common professional ethical values of every member of the treatment