A week later president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. He was a really successful actor In Ford's Theater, Booth had planned the assassination for a long time. As he was watching the play John Booth fired the gun and the bullet hit Abraham Lincoln in the head. The attack happened just five days after General Robert E. Lee surrendered his amy which it ended the CIvil War.
After, Lincoln's vice president Andrew Johnson continued his policies, and continued his own plans with reconstruction which they were the abolition of slavery in the South which it was …show more content…
So this meant that African Americans weren't free still. After all the things the government did to give African Americans equal rights everything was still the same. They still worked with their masters every day and not even getting a lot of money paid. Share cropping was something really popular at this time the slaves grew some crops and they did not receive all the money they were supposed to, most of the money went to their masters . After the government said that blacks could vote. Yes they could but it wasn't that easy, They had to pay a poll tax and be able to read. They weren't able to do any of that, or if they did do that some of them their votes weren't even counted. Jim crow laws were created also these laws meant any business could refuse to serve black people or there were so many places were black and white were