Reconstruction Era Dbq

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Reconstruction Era (1865-1877)
Shortly after the North (Union) defeated the South (Confederate) in the Civil War began a new era for change. This time period was known as the Reconstruction Era. After the Union won the Civil War in 1865 the North began to rebuild the United States. The Reconstruction Era began with the end of the Civil War in 1865 and ended with the Compromise of 1877. With these events then numerous questions began to stir up. Under what circumstances would the Confederates be allowed back into the Union? Would Abolition mean that the former slaves can now enjoy the status quo of that of the white men? Would Congress or the President be the one to set the terms for the United States?
The 16th President of the United
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The Freedman Bureau was a major part in the reconstruction of the south by establishing education centers, colleges, and training schools for blacks. The Bureau aided in distributing food, land and supplies to the newly freed slaves. Anyone who pledged loyalty to the Union was allowed to lease forty acres of land from the bureau and later on able to purchase the land. Southern whites opposed the fact that the blacks gained rights. They saw this as a northern attempt to redistribute the land of the south to former slaves and a threat to their life style in the postwar

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