After being caught dancing, and drinking blood, in the woods Abigail was forced to confess why her and a group of friends were out so late at night, alone and dancing. When confronted Abigail lied and started rumors about the devil in Salem. As all lies do, her fib led to a community of distress and backstabbing in order to protect themselves from death. Most people were unable to see that Abigail did all of this in order to get revenge on Elizabeth Proctor, who she wanted dead so she could live happily with John, whom she had an affair and was in love with. Not only did she drink blood to kill Elizabeth, but she also stabbed herself with a needle to connect Elizabeth to witchery. A young and naive girl, Abigail believed if Elizabeth was gone, John would come crawling back to her, but Abigail was unable to see that John truly loved Elizabeth and merely had a moment of weakness with
After being caught dancing, and drinking blood, in the woods Abigail was forced to confess why her and a group of friends were out so late at night, alone and dancing. When confronted Abigail lied and started rumors about the devil in Salem. As all lies do, her fib led to a community of distress and backstabbing in order to protect themselves from death. Most people were unable to see that Abigail did all of this in order to get revenge on Elizabeth Proctor, who she wanted dead so she could live happily with John, whom she had an affair and was in love with. Not only did she drink blood to kill Elizabeth, but she also stabbed herself with a needle to connect Elizabeth to witchery. A young and naive girl, Abigail believed if Elizabeth was gone, John would come crawling back to her, but Abigail was unable to see that John truly loved Elizabeth and merely had a moment of weakness with