Witchcraft was one of the greatest crimes to commit during this time period. The puritans believed that, “Satan was as real as God and he would select the weakest individuals --women, children, and the insane-- to carry out his will” (Life in Salem 1692). Satan was believed to choose weak people to sign a contract with him and those who did were considered witches. Women were considered inferior to men in Puritanical society which made them very easy to accuse. The accusations used against most of the accused were crazy and made no logical sense, but since women were inferior and most of the people the devil used were inferior they were the perfect targets. The Puritans also believed that, “God would punish individuals for sinful behavior, those who would experience misfortune were believed to deserve it” (Life in Salem 1692). When a Puritan’s neighbor would suffer the neighbor who was not suffering did not help in any way because the punishment was seen to be Gods will. Tim Sutter acknowledges that, “witchcraft was a sin because it denied the superiority of God.” To the Puritans God was everything, so witchcraft was seen as such a considerable sin in the aspect that Satan had more power than God.
Witchcraft was one of the greatest crimes to commit during this time period. The puritans believed that, “Satan was as real as God and he would select the weakest individuals --women, children, and the insane-- to carry out his will” (Life in Salem 1692). Satan was believed to choose weak people to sign a contract with him and those who did were considered witches. Women were considered inferior to men in Puritanical society which made them very easy to accuse. The accusations used against most of the accused were crazy and made no logical sense, but since women were inferior and most of the people the devil used were inferior they were the perfect targets. The Puritans also believed that, “God would punish individuals for sinful behavior, those who would experience misfortune were believed to deserve it” (Life in Salem 1692). When a Puritan’s neighbor would suffer the neighbor who was not suffering did not help in any way because the punishment was seen to be Gods will. Tim Sutter acknowledges that, “witchcraft was a sin because it denied the superiority of God.” To the Puritans God was everything, so witchcraft was seen as such a considerable sin in the aspect that Satan had more power than God.