Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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This question is worth asking because understanding the hatred of mankind can lead to enlightenment and move the future into a more positive direction. When one understands a problem, they may not repeat the same actions that led to it and, therefore, move forward. However, even though people understood that the hysterias created by Abigail Williams in, The Crucible, were due to her own selfishness and close-mindedness, people today continue to practice those same vices, only to a more massive extent. Abigail Williams was led by her own desire to manipulate those in Salem to commit her crimes. She did this through pretending to have a connection with their most fundamental beliefs and fears and acting as a threat if they defied her. President-Elect Trump utilized the same …show more content…
When he said that he would get rid of abortions in the October of 2015, one month later Robert Dear attacked a Planned Parenthood facility, in which three people lost their lives. After he called for a “Muslim Ban” to “end terrorism”, the abuse and murder of innocent, law-abiding Muslim Americans faced skyrocketed. Both Abigail Williams and Donald Trump utilised religion to control the masses, something in which they did not even believe in. This question also has merit to be presented because it is extremely relevant in today’s volatile and hostile world. Most of those that read, The Crucible, see Abigail as the antagonist because of her maleficent ability to control people into obeying her through destroying the citizens of Salem’s core principles in order to keep the purity they try so hard to gain. Trump also exhibits these qualities. People see him as the antagonist of America in the twenty-first century because of his backwards and often offensive ideals. The citizens of the United States need to wake up and see that the same occurrences that occurred in, The Crucible, are happening now, only with more lives being cost and more madness being

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