When Abigail admits to others that she was a witch, she is empowered when she was previously powerless. Abigail does this when she yells, “I want to open myself! I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand” (Miller 48). Abigail knows she has little power in Salem since she is just a servant to the …show more content…
All Abigail has to do is act like she is bewitched when someone is brought before her in court, and as a result of this, the person is arrested, as this is proof that they must practice witchcraft. As Elizabeth Proctor said, most of the people must think Abigail is a saint, as they believe her accusations and actions without question.
Judge Danforth talks to Francis Nurse and says, “And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?” (Miller 87). Almost four hundred people have been accused of being witches in Salem by Abigail and the other girls. Abigail has the power to put who ever she wants into jail by simply stating they are witches. The people do not need any real evidence or proof to believe her. This is the epitome of power. Abigail’s claims of others being witches are just one of the events in The Crucible that allow her to have power over others and Salem