Reality Tv Persuasive Essay

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Although Gerbner and Gross hired three third-party commercial survey research organizations to minimize biases in how the questioning was conducted (Gerbner, Living). However, additional biases could have potentially included a limited sampling size, a social desirability bias, and/or an acquiescence bias. With the personal nature of the study and the dependence on polling something as abstract as a perspective, there are many variables. With only having three surveys with a total of 2,010 participants, there was a limited sampling size. Based on the questions asked by the questionnaire, it could have also been very easy for participants to fall into the social desirability bias—exaggerating or downplaying their true thoughts or actions to meet the believed desire of those conducting the study. There was also the possibility of an acquiescence bias where participants would have answered questions in the affirmative more often than the negative, although contradictory to other answers, and thus skewing the data they gathered. Despite the room for possible biases, Gerbner and Gross’s theory has enough statistical backing to be credible, but it is important to know that their theory is more based on their own analysis that formal data. Although, initial research was tied specifically to perspectives of violence from television, cultivation theory has since gained traction and adapted in more recent years to include research into media’s influence on subjects ranging from social behaviors and gender norms to political and moral views. The wide range of influence has to do with the fact “[T]elevision represents a coherent system of messages that cumulatively present the viewer with a stable worldview, including a moral sphere” (Singer). By this standard television’s cultivation power includes nearly everything that proposes a stable worldview with some type of morality. This has caused cultivation analysts to examine the cultivating powers of even the most unlikely programs, such as the irreverent, adult animated comedy, South Park (Rennie, 205). Jonathan Cohen and Gabriel Weismann have made the important distinction that not all television is the same and explore how different genres of television effect different views and perspectives. Their research indicated many powerful associations between the genres individuals watched and views. A few of which included; men who heavily watch sports and adventure based shows have an increased fear of victimization, women who watch soap operas are much less likely to trust others, and television consumers as …show more content…
Reality television has been associated with the opportunity for viewers to peek into the lives of people who lead drastically different lives than themselves in which they can in many ways relate. It allows the viewer to vicariously live through the characters being portrayed and thus further blurring the lines between reality and television. Karyn Riddle and J.J. De Simone conducted a recent survey to determine if there was indeed a correlation but their emphasis was inconclusive and believed it was possible for viewers who viewed the world in such a way were naturally more likely to watch reality TV (Jacobs). In a similar study conducted by Dr. Kristin Barton, the relationship between reality tv and viewers’ perceptions of love and dating relationships as competition was investigated, but the data did not support a correlation (Barton, 93). Reality television is still being analyzed through cultivation theory to determine exactly what correlation, if any, are

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