Surely, upon glazing at this list one must wonder why is such content permitted to air on television and who is to blame, are the actors to blame, is the media being held responsible for promoting such negative programing, or are men to blame for how women are viewed and treated? The derogatory depiction of women on reality television can largely be blamed on the individual who positions herself to be portrayed in such a negative context, who places more value on finances and fame before integrity, those who fail to consider the impact their job or image will have on others as they are built up to be a television
Surely, upon glazing at this list one must wonder why is such content permitted to air on television and who is to blame, are the actors to blame, is the media being held responsible for promoting such negative programing, or are men to blame for how women are viewed and treated? The derogatory depiction of women on reality television can largely be blamed on the individual who positions herself to be portrayed in such a negative context, who places more value on finances and fame before integrity, those who fail to consider the impact their job or image will have on others as they are built up to be a television