ASU ID: 50490667
Management information systems
Homework set #3
Real world challenge- chapter 9
Few years ago, it was very difficult to buy the tickets for a movie, seat reservation in bus and train, entry into a stadium etc. The steps involved in buying a ticket are firstly we need to go near the ticket counter on time or in same cases we need to go prior to the show timings. Then, we need to stand in line and we should wait for few hours and we may or may not get the ticket. In the case, if the show was cancelled then again we need to stand in the line and wait until the money is refunded. But, the technology brought many changes in buying a ticket by creating a website. Now we can …show more content…
These are to be followed right from the upper level to lower level management in an organization.
The other meaning of corporate ethics is these are set of values. These values are set by the organization. It reduces the government regulations.
Under any circumstances, the company or organization should never violate these standards. For example, company cannot raise the prices when a loss occurs.
The ethical issues that we studied in this chapter 13 are customer privacy, employee privacy, security of company information, intellectual property rights, workplace safety etc. company addresses these issues by using secured computers, so that users cannot breach the data and by monitoring the information accessed by the users and company need to secure the data. The examples mentioned in the case are analyzing customer satisfaction services. It also created applications that track consumption of energy.
Yes, organizations should pursue high ethical standards as the company which follow good ethics make good business in the market but the profits or costs will be minimized. By making good ethics customers will do business even the costs are