The primitive element of Evidence Base Practice is to personalize the evidence to fulfill distinct patient need within the context ((Polit & Beck, 2012, p. 25). paper includes the summary of an Evidence Based Practice implementation on reduction on hospital acquired Cather-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) in a community hospital setting. The key points, list of steps taken by nursing, a practice problem that would benefit from the implementation of an EBP are explained here. The result of the study with a conclusion is also enclosed.…
Lastly, there must be an ethical selection of subjects. The Belmont Report states, “they should not offer potentially beneficial research only to some patients who are in their favor or select only "undesirable" persons for risky research” (The Belmont Report). Researchers must be far when selection their research…
According to Grove, Burns, and Gray (2015), systematic review and meta-analysis are considered to have the strongest evidence because the researchers utilize explicit methods when conducting systematic reviews, which assist to eliminate bias to facilitate production of reliable findings. The meta-analysis and evidence-based guideline has strong evidence and are ranked on the topic together with systematic reviews. The randomized control trial is the next in the pyramid, followed by quasi-experimental study, non-experimental (such as correlation and cohort studies), a systematic review of the qualitative study, descriptive study and expert opinion in that order. The randomized control trials are experiments used to test the efficiency of healthcare interventions by assigning individual control or experimental groups. Controlled clinical trials are testing treatment used for evaluating the outcome of a studied intervention where a bias-free method is used to assign patients to the treatment…
Recommendations Implementing change process within an institution is not always easy. This evidence-based practice project shows with further research can be successful in reducing the 30-day post-discharge hospital readmission rates of chronic heart failure patients. Further recommendations include nurses’ involvement with discussing medication reconciliation with the patient and arranging follow-up care with the patient after discharge (Bradley et al., 2013). Further recommendations include electronically sending all discharge paperwork directly to the patient’s primary physician and following-up on test results by staff members after the patient is discharged. Additionally, during the post-discharge call, the patient regularly to provide…
Lucas and Morley also kept in mind the confounding variables, and incorporated those with their findings. By using random assignment, they choose…
Food and Drug Administration FDA, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency that regulates food and supplements as well many more items. The FDA, provides an online website that provides information on numerous topics, like for example artificial sweeteners. With the help of the FDA, there is information provided to us the public. Through this website we know what artificial sweeteners are and if they are safe.…
Research Problem Inadvertent Hypothermia is a prevalent disease that has been observed to bring about adverse effects. It is a condition in which the body lacks the ability to maintain the optimal temperatures required of the body. It has harmful impacts on the health of individuals that leads to the patients incurring a lot of costs in terms of medical care associated with it. Many of its effects include impaired immune function, cardiac complications, thermal discomfort, and increased incidence of wound infections among others (Hegarty et al., 2009).…
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was originally conceived in 1929 by the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) as a method of determining the predominance of syphilis within black communities across America and of identifying a mass treatment.…
Ethics This essay will discuss the ethical safeguards for clinical research that may not apply to evidence-based projects. Additionally, this essay will discuss ethical controversies related to two ethical exemplars. In conclusion, patients’ ethical responsibility in improving healthcare will be explored. Ethical Safeguards Clinical research involves the study of investigational analysis of data or experiments that involve humans.…
Although statistical data and research shows there are healthcare disparities as it relates to minorities, much isn’t done to change negative patterns. However, researchers’ have chosen to examine the healthcare racial inequalities of African Americans. Cultural differences, and racial conscious and unconscious are factors that contribute to the gap in African American health. Therefore, collecting only medical data and physician behaviors towards certain diagnosis, is not enough to determine or conclude that there aren’t any deep rooted unforeseen components that play into racialist thinking by physicians.…
Evidence Based Medicine Introduction Evidence based medicine has long been held in high esteem by physicians and for good reason. It provides the best possible roadmap for improving quality care for patients. In addition, certain clinical practice guidelines (CPG) have been established as part of the specific paradigm involving electronic medical record (EMR) keeping. This has all been designed to improve patient well-being, give physicians an opportunity to make informed decisions, and improve overall efficiency at healthcare facility.…
Ethical Concerns Experimental design is a field whereby ethical concerns are almost always a top priority. Although most individuals see ethical norms as common sense, they often vary from culture to culture and there can be discrepancies in the interpretation even by members within a certain cultural group. Furthermore, it is vital to determine any potential ethical concerns contained within an experiment and address those concerns in order to reduce their potential impact on the results. The first potential ethical concern that may be encountered during our experiment is an experimenter either intentionally or accidentally falsifying, fabricating or misrepresenting the data that is collected from the test subjects.…
Stereotype and prejudice has been the focal point of empirical research in the field of social psychology. Specifically, the effect of racial stereotypes on human behavior has received tremendous amount of scrutiny. Numerous studies had identified the influence of racial stereotypes on human behavior (Dion, Kawakami and Dovidio, 1998; Amodio, Hamilton, 2012). Dion, Kawakami and Dovidio (1998) revealed that people who were highly prejudiced had faster response times to black stereotypic words than white words following their exposure to black stereotypic cues (Dion et al, 1998). Amodio and Hamilton (2012) found that participants had higher accuracy in identifying words with negative connotations when they were primed with black faces as opposed…
These days many researchers are trying to figure out why things cause other things. These are called correlation studies. The process in seeing how things relate to each other and affect one another. Yet many correlations are false. It is not a valid way of proving a point.…
3.8. DEDUCTIVE RESEARCH “A deductive approach is concerned with developing a hypothesis (or hypotheses) based on existing theory, and then designing a research strategy to test the hypothesis” (Wilson, 2010:7) Monette et al (2005: 34) further explains deductive approach by the means of hypotheses, which can be derived from the propositions of the theory. In other words, deductive approach is concerned with deducting conclusions from premises or propositions. “Deduction begins with an expected pattern that is tested against observations, whereas induction begins with observations and seeks to find a pattern within them” (Babbie, 2010: 52). Is has been stated that “deductive means reasoning from the particular to the general.…