A number of empirical studies have identified the influence of racial stereotypes in criminal justice system (Blair, Judd and Chapleau, 2004; Demuth & Steffensmeier, 2004; Fosterlee, ForsterLee, Horowitz and King, 2006). The study conducted by Blair et al (2004) found that when other legally relevant factors such as severity of offence and prior criminal history were controlled, individuals exhibiting more Afrocentric facial features received harsher punishments ( Blair et al., 2004). Demuth and Steffensmeier (2004) found evidence unveiling the influence of racial stereotypes in criminal justice system where Black and Hispanic defendants were significantly more likely to be incarcerated than white defendants (Demuth, Steffensmeier, 2004). Additionally, the results of ForsterLee et al (2006) indicated the influence of racial stereotypes on jury deliberation process (ForsterLee et al., 2006). Black defendants received harsher punishments from jurors and the most severe punishments were handed out by female jurors to Black defendants (ForsterLee et al., …show more content…
The purpose of using double blind procedure is to eliminate the experimenter bias where the experimenters could intentionally or unintentionally cue the participants to provide responses desired by the experimenters.
Independent Variables:
The gender of the defendants: The gender of the defendants would be manipulated. In condition 2 and 4, the genders of the defendants were male, whereas, in condition 3 and 5, the genders of the defendants were female.
The types of pre-trial dispositions defendants received: The types of pre-trial dispositions defendants received would be manipulated. In condition 2 and 3, the defendants were not detained prior to their trials. In condition 4 and 5, the defendants were detained prior to their trials.
Dependent Variables:
Guilty ratings of Defendants: The guilty ratings provided by the participants on the defendants would be used as dependent variable to measure the amount of influence factors such as gender of defendant and the type of pre-trial disposition received by the defendants on the jury deliberation process.