The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency that regulates food and supplements as well many more items. The FDA, provides an online website that provides information on numerous topics, like for example artificial sweeteners. With the help of the FDA, there is information provided to us the public. Through this website we know what artificial sweeteners are and if they are safe. There is a range of nutrition information on the website from information about sweeteners, whether particular sweeteners they are safe, and the types of sweeteners that are available to the public. This information may be useful to those in need of a reliable …show more content…
The article explains many facts about Aspartame, which is commonly known as NutraSweet or Equal. It discusses different ingredients that are included in Aspartame and their dangers. Also, the article states that Aspartame is 200 more times sweeter than natural sugar. The ingredients that pose a risk are aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol, and formaldehyde. After reading this article I questioned it’s reliability.
The article seems unreliable for a few reasons. One reason it’s unreliable is that it doesn’t state an author. So, since there is no author I was not able to determine if the person who wrote it had the right credentials. A second reason why this article is unreliable is that on the website there are items being advertised. The website is selling material, which might mean they have other motives for writing the article, and might actually gain something for providing the information. A third reason this article is unreliable is that it does not have any credible sources. There were a few references on the posted, but they were not government funded or educational, which can also make one question their reliability as well. This highlights that the article is not a reputable site. A fourth reason that it is unreliable is that is was not updated for a few years. The article was written in 2009, could benefit being updated because it is now seven years