Ralph Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

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According to Garry Wills, a leader is one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leader and followers. The goal can only be achieved by the power of the people, and the mutual respect shared between leader and follower. In Golding’s Lord of the Flies, a group of English boys survive a plane crash and are stranded on an island. The limited resources, absence of authority and any sense of order causes the boys to question the status of leader. Throughout the novel Lord of the Flies, Ralph does everything he can to create a society centered on survival and order. Meanwhile, Jack proves that he is trying to have fun and take advantage of the absence of authority. Jack's leadership eventually leads to savagery and the murders of innocent people, …show more content…
Good leaders demonstrate their respect for human values, character, and conscience. When the boys first crashed on the island, Ralph wasn't the strongest nor the most intelligent, however, he had something important that is more crucial in order to be a leader. Ralph demonstrated his human nature values, furthermore giving him the better leadership skills. One of the only ones who stuck on to the important foundations of human society, Ralph strived to keep the island as a societal civilization. When Ralph calls an assembly to hear his followers thoughts and say, Ralph states, “I'll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he's speaking(Golding33).” Although the boys needed specific needs for survival, Ralph enforced the stability and order of the island before anything else, knowing how critical it is needed to survive. Moreover, Ralph demonstrates that he respects human character by giving them power in this form of democracy he creates, and respecting that the boys are actually human and deserve to be treated like …show more content…
They do this so their selfish ambitions can be accomplished by the people. In other words, malicious leaders manipulate their followers’ values so that one’s “dirty work” can be completed. However, good leaders don’t need to give a fake purpose because they expand on the goodness that is already taught to the followers. After the savages say the beast is dead, Jack strongly says, “No! How could we kill it…..I expect the beast disguised itself(Golding160).” The beast represents the fear and the inner savagery that is released as a result of fear. In a place of terror, people often reside with those who will destroy and conquer the fear and in this case, this is Jack. Jack tries to decept the other savages into thinking the beast is real, so that they have motivation to keep on killing. Furthermore, it ensures that the savages won’t even think about looking the other way(Ralph’s side). Looking into the future, Jack knows that his supply of meat cannot last forever, and once that ends the boys will turn on him. Thus, Jack uses his position to influence the others, hopefully thinking that they will do his work in the future. When Jack and Ralph argue between the fire and the meat, Jack pleads that “We needed meat(Golding71)” multiple times. Later, Jack commands, “Eat! Damn you!(Golding74)” Jack uses meat as a scapegoat and its importance to survival well-known throughout the island. In an isolated

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