Relating to back to a racist white, Aunt Alexandra would not allow Scout to visit Calpurnia’s home. In the town of Maycomb, there was also a man who wanted to oblige in the society’s opinion about races. Mr. Dolphus Raymond, a white man married to a black woman, finds an excuse for his actions. Carrying around a Coca Cola bottle in paper bag, he believes he can make the town believe that he is an alcoholic and believe that he is married to a black women because he is a drunk. This is another example of how, once again, whites were of different class than blacks. Dolphus Raymond obviously did love the woman and risked losing her for acceptance in society. In To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the theme is surrounded by a case that Atticus Finch has taken part in. In this case, Atticus defends a black man accused of a rape he never did. “To begin with, this case should never have come to trial. This case is as simple as black and white” (TKAM). As simple as black and white? In this case, the ruling decided solely on skin …show more content…
Today many races have the freedom and respect to become what they want to be. African Americans are able to become lawyers, teachers, doctors, and many other jobs. Not only has our nation progressed, but sadly it has regressed as well. The general disrespect and name calling is still an issue today just as it was back in the 1930’s, maybe not as bad, but is still an issue. This problem has become a normal thing that in reality is not right. Others have become blind to the problem sitting directly in front of them. As a society, America can destroy racism by recognizing the issue to generations and generations to come.
The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, and the movie Black or White do a tremendous job portraying the modern day and the past mindset on racism in America. These two pieces have always shown progression and regression on the topic of racism. Although there is no way to end racism once and for all today, there is hope that it will reduce as time goes on. In conclusion, To Kill A Mockingbird and Black or White, the american mindset and the progress that racism has gained, and also lost, is shown distinctively. Ways that society today can end racism is shown in these two