Just Mercy: The Role Of Racism In American Literature

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Racism in the United States has made its mark in American Literature. While the fight for progression and equality is an everlasting and ever-growing situation, it is clear to see in many pieces of culture and arts that America has not progressed as far as it claims. Historically, the United States has created an uneven balance of racial bias and racial injustice among its citizens. The novel,“To Kill A Mockingbird,” documents the history of the issue and is a looking glass for readers to make current world connections, “Just Mercy” actualizes modern racial injustice, and criminological statistics show us exactly how the fight for complete and total racial equality is not yet graspable reality.

To start out with, its important to understand and analyze the cultural impact of To Kill A Mockingbird. The Harper Lee Novel ever since its publication has served as a literary looking glass, by using the perspective of Scout and shedding a new light on information already existing . Scout's perspective on the conviction of Tom Robinson gives and brings a brand new take on a situation, and while the novel only allows one perception for most of its content, its one thats extremely relateable to all kinds of people. Scouts childly wonder, innocence, and oddly caring nature makes for a very likeable main character, but even Scout has her moments of prejudice and imperfection, however she make change, and instead learns to question her ideology. An example of this is when Scout is dealing with a character, Walter Cunningham, who is a poor farm boy. He pours syrup all over his food and Scout abruptly shames Walter for it. While in the moment Scout is just upset, Atticus and Calpurnia correct her behavior, and she apologizes. This simple moment can teach a multitude of lessons, and that right there is a prime example of the cultural impact of the novel. Many of these simple lessons are integrated into the core of novel which is what makes it such an important piece of race relation related literature. And when it comes down to Tom Robinson and
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Just Mercy takes a very interesting perspective on discrimination “We are all broken by something. We have all hurt someone and have been hurt. We all share the condition of brokenness even if our brokenness is not equivalent. I desperately wanted mercy for Jimmy Dill and would have done anything to create justice for him, but I couldn’t pretend that his struggle was disconnected from my own. The ways in which I have been hurt—and have hurt others—are different from the ways Jimmy Dill suffered and caused suffering. But our shared brokenness connected us.,” Just Mercy, provides a perspective from the inside, to show the core of what sort of harm racism can do to the population, this quote taken from a black man who while not totally innocent, was convicted far worse for a crime. He was provided injustice, and Stevenson gives us a peek into what the means. While, “To Kill A Mockingbird,” served for the outside perspective, Just mercy focuses on the internal clockwork of racism, by telling the stories of Jimmy Dill and many others like him, it is another example of literature and the use of storytelling to help understand something we may not have ever before. Once again teaching empathy, an important lesson in fighting

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