Push School Hours

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Middle school and high school students should start no earlier than 8:30. With pushing the school start time back you will see happier kids. Pushing the start time back will increase teens being sleep deprived. Sleep deprived is a condition of not having enough sleep. You can count on any kid staying up late studying/ doing homework on a daily will be sleep deprived. Teens should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night to be healthy, with homework and practices that's not always going to happen. Studies have shown that students that are well rested perform better in school. All schools in Michigan that have moved their start times back have seen major improvement. After taking a poll, according to National Sleep Foundation's, 80% of respondents said schools should push start times back. Car crash rates fell by 16.5% in two years when those students got their school start times pushed back. Getting more sleep will increase car crashes because students who are filled up with rest will …show more content…
Another important finding from many studies is that the circadian timing system can be another important finding from many studies is that the circadian timing system can be carefully controlled. Periods are a contribution to stress and being tired. A couple things you can be affected with during your period with little sleep is mood swings and cramps. When it comes to the importance of sleeping, it's all about the biology. Personally, sleep helps my test scores a ton. When I’m tired i'm like a zombie and none of my scores are as good as they should be. In conclusion, school starting times should be delayed. There are many benefits to delayed school starting times including, better test scores, more awake teenager, decrease in the amount of car crashes, better health, and happier

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