It claims that even though we are determined, we are still free nonetheless. This is applicable when the person is the cause of his or her actions; shows a freely act. There are two versions of this view: passive self-determinism and active self-determinism. Passive self-determinism in reference to freedom means being able to do what you want to do without interference or interruption from anyone else. There are considered free as long as they are able to consistently act the choices they make. What makes this soft determinism in comparison to hard determinism is the fact that it acknowledges that all events including human actions have causes, but it allows for free actions when those actions caused by someone’s choice rather than an external force. There then comes the assumption that actions are connected to choices, and that certain motives or inclinations are behind certain actions. This also comes into play when it comes to rewarding people and punishing them as well. It makes really no sense to reward or punish people when his actions are the result of other outside factors that they did not have control over. This is also where the question arises about the claim hard determinists make about freedom. If one claims that no one ever acts freely as a result of his or her choices, then we would be
It claims that even though we are determined, we are still free nonetheless. This is applicable when the person is the cause of his or her actions; shows a freely act. There are two versions of this view: passive self-determinism and active self-determinism. Passive self-determinism in reference to freedom means being able to do what you want to do without interference or interruption from anyone else. There are considered free as long as they are able to consistently act the choices they make. What makes this soft determinism in comparison to hard determinism is the fact that it acknowledges that all events including human actions have causes, but it allows for free actions when those actions caused by someone’s choice rather than an external force. There then comes the assumption that actions are connected to choices, and that certain motives or inclinations are behind certain actions. This also comes into play when it comes to rewarding people and punishing them as well. It makes really no sense to reward or punish people when his actions are the result of other outside factors that they did not have control over. This is also where the question arises about the claim hard determinists make about freedom. If one claims that no one ever acts freely as a result of his or her choices, then we would be