Pros And Cons Of The No Child Left Behind Act

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The No Child Left Behind Act was a U.S. Act of Congress that reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; it included Title I provisions applying to disadvantaged students. It supported standards-based education reform with the idea that setting high standards and establishing goals for children could improve a students outcomes in education. The Act required states to develop assessments in basic skills. To receive federal school funding, states had to give these assessments to all students at select grade levels. Because of its focus on regular testing, the Act has become subject of controversy. The act has positive and negative aspects to it. One of the positive aspects is that generally, test scores have been observed to have improved since the act was implemented. Additionally, test scores of students belonging to minority groups have also improved. Also, the act requires educational institutions to focus on providing quality education to underserved students, including children from low-income families, those with disabilities, those who are non-English speakers, as well as those belonging to minoriycommunities. …show more content…
Since it was pushed, more people in the field of teaching have become more qualified and more highly educated than before. Schoolchildren are now getting quality education from the best possible teachers. Regular testing has its benefits, and one of them is helping schools with identifying students who need extra help. And due to the fact that schools would lose financial support if students do not do well on their exams, they offer extra incentives to help struggling students. Since the passing of the act, thousands of students have been receiving

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