Pros And Cons Of Physician Assisted Suicide

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29 year old Brittany Maynard will end her life, legally, with the help of physician assisted suicide. The practice of PAS is immoral, in the process, it can affect not only the family but have psychological effects on the assisting physician. Opposing argumentors state that this practice is nothing but dignified and honorable, that this procedure is the only logical solution to a suffering victim. PAS (physician assisted suicide) is a drug administered by an assisting physician in effort to bring the patient a painless death. Throughout all of this, one question remains; is the practice of PAS really worth the cost? One can assess the value of this by contemplating the psychological effects PAS has on the physician himself. As a result of potential psychological effects, one should avoid choosing the PAS course.

Physician assisted suicide has mistakenly been made an option to Americans over the years. Excluding the early termination of a life, this procedure holds a slew of inevitable negative effects on assisting parties. The most evident effect PAS boasts is afterwards, the immediate family might suffer from depression or other emotional issues. Another consequence that PAS encompasses is the psychological effects affecting the physician involved. Physician
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Moreover, these contend it’s the patient’s free will to choose to continue on their path of pain or end their lives. However, the real act of villainy is taking a being’s life before the genuine conclusion has transpired. Equally, burdening a physician with the emotional stress is malevolent. Adding to the idea, PAS hasn’t always been an option to Americans, it’s only recently that it has become a possible option. Suddenly, humanity has come to the conclusion, with this option at hand, it’s all of the sudden adequate to select your last desired day of

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