Pros And Cons Of Mitochondrial Diseases

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Running Head: BABIES WITH THREE GENETIC PARENTS: GOOD IDEA OR NO?Babies with Three Genetic Parents: Good Idea or No?Janadiah ErleDaymar University
Page 1BABIES WITH THREE GENETIC PARENTS: GOOD IDEA OR NO?Mitochondrial diseases are causing women to seek an alternative method to conception. This paper will discuss mitochondria, mitochondrial diseases, mitochondrial donation and techniques, and the pros and cons of these techniques. Mitochondria are the parts of cells that turn sugars, fats, and proteins that we eat into forms of energy that the body uses to live. Cells are the smallest things that can reproduce themselves. Within cells, there are smaller sub-compartments known as organelles. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cells of every
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Mitochondrial donation treatment can be used by people with severe mitochondrial disease to avoid passing the condition on to their children. There have been two related techniques developed by scientists at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research in Newcastle (United Kingdom). Maternal spindle transfer involves removing the nucleus of an egg with faulty mitochondria from a woman with mitochondrial disease and transferring it into a donated egg whose nucleus has been removed and discarded. In contrast, pro-nuclear transfer occurs after the eggs have been fertilized. In both cases, the mitochondrial DNA from the donor could be inherited by the baby. The work at Newcastle is partially funded by Muscular Dystrophy UK, and based on submissions to the public appeal for evidence, there is widespread support from patients with mitochondrial disease and their families. Scientists including five Nobel Prize winners said in response that there is a need to listen to and support the wishes of parents and patients. This response also highlighted the importance of acting quickly, stating that parents should not have to wait for the law to catch up now that the technology is available. The legalization of mitochondrial donation holds high significance worldwide. The process has been one of the most scrutinized techniques …show more content…
In consulting with the couple, Zhang suggested each of the two options approved in the United Kingdom. The couple refused the pro-nuclear transfer as it was against their Muslim beliefs to destroy the embryos. They opted instead to do the spindle nuclear transfer. The couple had already had four miscarriages, a daughter who passed away at the age of six years due to Leigh syndrome, and a daughter who had passed away at the age of eight months also due to Leigh syndrome. Because neither the pronuclear transfer nor the spindle nuclear transfer have been approved in the United States, Zhang and his team performed the technique in Mexico where there are no rules against this type of procedure. The team created five embryos using this technique. Only one of the five developed normally. This egg was implanted and resulted in a baby boy nine months later. It is unclear how detailed the consultation between the couple and Zhang may have been, therefore it is unclear what relationship may exist between the donor and the recipient. Mitochondrial donation involves the transfer of genetic but not nuclear material and this has led to uncertainty of whether it should be classified and regulated as egg donation or as tissue donation. Mitochondria play an

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