performed the experiment on Agobacterium tumefaciens by straining and cloning the rRNA genes to find the sequence of DNA phosphate. It was propsed that there were two possible explanations of the low homology in the plant mitochondrial sequence which shows the eubacterial sequences. Either the mitochondrial sequence branched deeply and the similarity to A. tumefaciens is a coincidence, or the mitochondrial sequence is specifically related to the A. tumefaciens sequence and has diverged from all the sequences due to a more rapid accumulation of mutations. Later in their experiment they compute and compare the archaebacterial sequence and further explained how they are about equally similar to the archaebacterial sequence, and the mitochondrial sequence is significantly less similar indicating a higher rate of divergence of the mitochondrial lineage (1). As a result of this studies the proposed that the earlier studies lacked as specific as mitochondrial relative as A. tumefaciens and as slowly diverging a mitochondrial sequence of the plant mitochondrion, so by analyzing this small difference and found the larger background of sequence divergence in mitochondria. This increased understanding of eubacterial 16S rRNA primary and secondary structure that has led to improved sequence alignments. Thus, the mitochondrial rRNA analysis is now in accord with the conclusions from cytochrome c sequence analysis Mitochondria from all eukaryotic …show more content…
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