there hasn’t been much action taken on reform. In order to bring more equality between men and
women, there needs to be change in the criminal justice system. The best way to ensure that men
and women of all races are treated the same as in the criminal justice system is to not let the
defendant in the court. If the judge and jury don’t see, hear or know the name of who they are
convicting they won’t be biased and will convict the defendant according to their crime and not
their race, gender or sexual orientation. The judge and jury will only see the lawyer who is
representing the defendant. The judge and jury only read about the crime that …show more content…
They are the reasons why the public has a
zero tolerance view on criminals. The public wants prisoners to stay off the streets and don’t
want to waste their tax dollars on rehabilitating them. Their mindset is that if a person was once a
criminal then they always will be a criminal. The public don’t think that criminals can be
reformed so they don’t want to give them a chance to reform either.
The people who are harmed the most by zero tolerance are women of color. There is an
antifeminist backlash. Since women want to be equal, they are given equal treatment in prison.
Women are punished equally as men even though they are less of a risk to society than men. This
supposed gender equality can be applied to correctional officers as well. Female correctional
officers can be assigned to male prisons and do all the duties assigned to them and male
correctional officers at the male prisons. This also means that male correctional officers don’t
have any work restrictions at female prisons.
In the early days of prison women suffered like men. They lived in harsh conditions and
there was overcrowding. Men and women were confined separately but still in the same …show more content…
The female correctional officers are
given harsher convictions for having consensual sex while the male correctional officers are
moved to another department for raping an inmate because when it comes down to the guard and
inmate, it is always going to be the guards word over the inmate.
The defendant should be convicted according to what their crime was and what
happened to lead up to the crime. Whether they were provoked, in self defense, or if it was a
crime of passion. These are the types of things that should be acknowledged when it comes to
how many years they should spend in prison. The defendant’s ethnicity, age, sexual orientation,
and gender should not be a deciding factor as to who gets a harsher punishment. Programs that
help rehabilitate should be available to everyone regardless of gender or the color of their skin.
The defining factor as to who should get help should be their crime and whether a professional
therapist thinks that they will be able to become a functional member of society. The judge and
jury are not supposed to discriminate or have bias but it is not possible to be