Project Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Improved Essays
Project Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) What is the main reason for this project?
The existing bridge was built in 1956. It is a reinforced concrete/steel girder bi-directional three-span bridge and is approximately 32 ft wide and 205 ft long, with span lengths of 60-89-60 ft to each bent. The existing bridge roadbed width is 26 ft and provides 11 ft lanes and 2 ft shoulders, with baluster rails.
It has a long history of issues associated with earth movement; stability issues were documented as early as 1965. A landslide recently occurred on the north side of the channel near Abutment 1 which caused Abutment 1 to move southerly, toward Abutment 4 on the south side of the channel Previous mitigation attempts included installation of horizontal drains at the slide area
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The project is tentatively scheduled for bid advertisement in fall 2018. Once the contract has been awarded, construction is expected to start in early 2019. Construction activities requiring access to the Capell Creek will be limited to the dry months of June through October of 2019 and 2020 due to permitting restrictions. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.
Programmed in 2014 SHOPP (State Highway Operation and Protection Program) under Bridge Rehabilitation Program with construction capital budget at $12.7M.
4) Will traffic access be provided during construction?
Yes, one-way traffic will be maintained through the majority of construction.

There are two major stages, first to widen the roadway and construct a detour bridge to the downstream side of the creek to providing an 11 ft lane and 1 ft shoulders. While traffic is on the detour bridge, demolish and construct a new bridge at the existing alignment. Finally place the closure pour to connect the two bridges for final bridge configuration.

5) Will there be any construction at night?
Need input from PDT
6) Will any existing trees/vegetation be

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