100). Weirob believes that if God is all-powerful and all-knowing then He will know our next move prior to us making the move. Weirob asks the question “If so, how can I be free? If not, if he doesn’t know what I am going to do, then how can he be omniscient?” (Perry et al., pg. 102). If God were to be omniscient He should know when He creates a situation that it could lead to an unfortunate result. Because of this, Weirob believes that God is responsible for all actions. Weirob’s response to the argument about freedom includes a series of statements. First, God is omniscient. Second, God created every human. Third, God knew what each human would choose when he created them. If all of these statements are true, this leads us to our fourth point. God is omniscient, created everyone, and knows what humans choose, therefore, God is partially responsible for the evil actions that are freely chosen by humans (Lecture 9/7). In other words, Weirob believes the choices human beings make are not freely chosen because if God was omniscient he would know what we were going to choose from the beginning of time, meaning we did not have the choice to freely choose because the choice was already determined for …show more content…
He says God is omnipotent not because He does everything there is to be done, but there is nothing he can’t do. God is omniscient not because he knows everything but because he can know everything. Miller gives us an example of how God’s knowledge works. He says to think of God’s knowledge like a big diagram of all the events that are going to happen throughout time. These diagrams should not be thought of as time lines but as diagrams with many branches. Every time a human is using their free will to choose the diagram branches off into a fork. One branch will represent how the world will go if the human makes one choice, and the other branch represents how the world will look if the human makes the other choice (Perry et al., pg. 106). God could have known what people were going to do at these forks, but he chooses not to and lets humans